Feces collected in a clean container with an airtight lid.
Requirements for the preparation of the analysis
Ejaculate is obtained after 3-5 days of sexual abstinence. At this time it is recommended to fulfill the following requirements
- Do not drink alcohol, including beer;
- Do not smoke;
- Do not take drugs, especially soothing, antidepressants before taking sperm. This may affect the reliability of the tests;
-Do not visit the bath, sauna, do not take hot baths, an increase in body temperature can adversely affect sperm and distort the results.
- Do not massage the prostate gland and seminal vesicles.
- It is also undesirable to donate ejaculate during inflammatory diseases. Spermogram can be done only a week after recovery.
- Do not deliver the ejaculate in a condom or get interrupted by sexual intercourse - this leads to a distortion of the results.
- Eliminate physical stress on the body
How to hand sperm
Spermogram is an accurate analysis, so it requires that the following conditions be met:
- Sperm is produced by masturbation
- Before collecting sperm need to take a shower. Emptying the bowel and bladder is also an important condition.
- During masturbation can not apply creams, lubricants, saliva.
- The ejaculate is collected in a clean, dry, pre-heated to body temperature dishes.
-For the most accurate semen requires all collected ejaculate, since its volume is an important diagnostic indicator. The ejaculate should be obtained completely, since its different portions contain an unequal number of spermatozoa. When receiving the ejaculate, do not lose its first portion, the first third of the ejaculate contains 75% of the total number of spermatozoa, and the spermatozoa in the remaining volume usually have worse mobility, which can lead to errors in diagnosis.
If the above requirements are not observed and not met, the results of the analysis will be unreliable.
How to prepare for blood tests
You must prepare yourself for this study as follows:
- refrain from physical exertion, changes in diet for 24 hours prior to blood collection.
- The elimination of alcohol intake should be no less than 24 hours before taking a biofluid, which is especially important for indicators such as triglycerides, cholesterol, AST, AlT, glucose, glucose tolerance, uric acid, total protein
- You should not eat after dinner, you need to go to bed the night before at your usual time and get up no later than an hour before taking blood. The last meal 12 hours before taking, which is especially important for components such as lipids, glucose, insulin, urea, uric acid, inorganic phosphate, amino acids.
- Refrain from smoking in the morning after lifting.
- If you are experiencing difficulties with the abolition of drugs, be sure to tell your doctor about it.
- It is advisable to take tests before taking drugs, infusions, blood transfusions and other drugs, massage, exercise
- In connection with the daily rhythm, blood sampling for cortisol, thyroid hormones, sex hormones is carried out from 7:00. till 9 o'clock am
It is very important that you follow the specified recommendations exactly, since only in this case the most reliable results of blood tests will be obtained.
Preparing for urine tests
- On the eve of the analysis, it is recommended not to use vegetables and fruits that can change the color of urine (beets, carrots, etc.).
- Before urine collection, thorough hygienic toilet of the genitals is performed.
- Women are not recommended to take the test during menstruation.
- The first 50-100 ml of morning urine is collected in a clean, dry bottle with an airtight lid.